AOK NordWest Legal and Editorial Details (Impressum)

Here you find the imprint for AOK NordWest Legal and Editorial Details.

Responsible for the content

AOK NordWest  Die Gesundheitskasse.
Kopenhagener Straße 1
44269 Dortmund

Postal address
58079 Hagen

Phone: 0800 265 5000
From outside Germany: +49 231 41930
Fax: 0800 265 2265

Contact form

Authorised representatives:
Tom Ackermann 
Chairman of the Executive Board of AOK NordWest

Dr. Christoph Vauth
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of AOK NordWest

Legal form: Self-managed public body

Responsible supervisory authority
Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales
des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia)
Fürstenwall 25
40219 Düsseldorf

AOK shall not accept liability for inability to access its website or for technical problems in files. AOK’s site contains links to other websites, e.g. the sites of our cooperation partners. You will always notice that you are being forwarded to the site of another service provider by the fact that a new browser window opens to display the corresponding external content. At the point of time when the link is added, the external (third-party) content is assessed to determine whether it violates any valid civil or criminal laws. However, it cannot be ruled out that the respective service providers modify these contents retrospectively. If you are of the opinion that linked external pages are in violation of valid law or otherwise have inappropriate content, please inform us. We will investigate your concern and remove the external link immediately if necessary. Just as we accept no liability for the content of linked external websites, we also cannot be held liable for their availability. Please note that this privacy policy only applies to the site. Linked external contents can be subject to other data protection and privacy regulations. See the Legal and Editorial Details (Impressum) for information on who is responsible for the respective site.

Responsible for journalistic and editorial content on

Birgit Ursprung, Kopenhagener Straße 1, 44269 Dortmund, Germany

Image rights

Unless otherwise indicated, the image rights are held by Serviceplan Berlin GmbH & Co. KG

Ziegelstraße 16

10117 Berlin

or Bauer Media Group

Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG

Burchardstraße 11

20077 Hamburg

or AOK NordWest. Copying and unauthorised use, either commercial or non-commercial, without obtaining prior permission of the respective rights holder is prohibited.

Pursuant to section 13 of German Social Security Code (SGB) I, social security agencies are obliged to inform the general public within the framework of their responsibility. This work, including all its parts, is protected by copyright. Any use outside the strict scope of copyright law without the approval of the publisher is not permitted and subject to penalties. In particular, this applies to reproductions, translations, microfilming as well as storage and processing in electronic systems.

Online dispute resolution  (Art. 14(1) of ODR Reg.*): The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which you can find at *Regulation (EU) 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes; information provided in accordance with section 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz): We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration bodies.

VAT ID: DE124159739
Institution code: 103411401

Aktualisiert: 08.02.2022

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