AOK Lebensbaum
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AOK protects personal data and provides information on what data is stored and how it is used.

Privacy Policy for

Overview of contents
Privacy Policy
Responsible body and contact details
Accessing and using the website
Saving IP addresses
Use of cookies – general information
Adobe Experience Cloud
Use of Google Ads
Authorisations in apps
Newsletter tracking
Use of the chat function
Use of location data
Other applications on this website 
Data transmission to the USA and other third countries
Responsibility for content and information
Data security and encryption
Further information
Status of this Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
AOK protects personal data and provides information on what data is stored and how it is used.

It is important to us that you know at all times when we store which data and what we use it for. Below we outline the data processing that is carried out when you use this website. Each input form accessible via the website also contains a specific data protection notice. You will find information on your data protection rights at the end of each web page under the heading "Data protection rights".

If you have any questions or comments about our data protection information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Responsible body and contact details
The AOK provider named in the "Data protection rights" section is responsible for the data processing carried out in connection with the use of this website. You will find the contact details of the official data protection officer(s) here.

Accessing and using the website
On behalf of AOK, a hosting service provider based in Germany collects data on each access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files). The access data includes:

_name of the accessed website
_date and time of access
_data volume transferred
_notification of successful retrieval
_browser type and version as well as the user's operating system
_referrer URL (the previously visited page)
_IP address and the requesting provider

Log file information is stored for technical reasons (ensuring the functionality and stability of the website) and for security reasons (e.g. to clarify acts of abuse or fraud) for a maximum of seven days and then deleted. In addition, IP addresses are stored for a maximum of four weeks as part of the backup and then deleted. Data whose further storage is necessary for evidentiary purposes is exempt from deletion until the final clarification of the respective incident.

We have concluded an order processing contract with our hosting service provider. Through this contract, the service provider assures that it processes the data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ensures the protection of the rights of the data subjects.

The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR. The processing of data necessary for achieving the aforementioned purposes is to be classified as a legitimate interest within the meaning of this provision. The required overall weighing of interests comes to the conclusion that overriding interests of the users in the exclusion of this data processing are not to be assumed.

Saving IP addresses
A hosting service provider collects data for AOK concerning each access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files) in order to safeguard legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR. Such access data includes the name of the accessed website, the file, the date and time of access, the data volume transferred, notification of successful retrieval, the browser type and version, the user's operating system, the referrer URL (the previously visited page), the IP address and the requesting provider. Log file information is stored for technical reasons (ensuring the functionality and stability of the website) and for security reasons (e.g. to clarify acts of abuse or fraud) for a maximum period of seven days, following which it is deleted. In addition, IP addresses are stored for a maximum of four weeks as part of the backup and then deleted. Any data that it is necessary to retain further for evidentiary purposes is exempted from such deletion until the final resolution of the relevant incident. Full IP addresses are not transmitted. AOK itself does not collect IP addresses at all, nor does it have access to these at any time. There is likewise no evaluation of such data for marketing purposes in this context.

Use of cookies – general information
AOK uses the technology known as cookies. Cookies are small files that are automatically created by your browser and stored on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc). Cookies do not cause any damage to your device, nor do they contain any viruses, Trojans or other malware. In the cookie, information is stored that is related to the specific device usedmittel. This means that we acquire indirect knowledge of your identity.

This website uses two different types of cookies: so-called session cookies (related to one session) and persistent cookies, which are stored on your device for longer periods of time.

The cookies used on this website are mainly so-called first-party cookies. These are cookies that are placed directly by AOK or its service providers and only used by them. Third-party cookies may also be used. These are cookies that are used for the purpose of tracking the user.

You can set your browser in such a way that the storage of cookies is not permitted. You will find more information on these functions in the documentation or in the help file of your browser. Please note that you may only be able to use some websites or parts thereof to a limited extent or not at all if you exclude the use of cookies via your browser.

The cookies actually deployed when you use this website are described below.

Technically required cookies
This website uses cookies that are necessary in order to be able to offer the website without malfunctions. These technically necessary cookies are stored on your device as soon as you access this website. Unfortunately, the use of this website is not possible without the use of the cookies listed below. The legal basis for the use of these cookies is Section 25 para. 2 TDDDG. Insofar as personal data is also processed in connection with these technically required cookies, this is done on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR. Being able to display a website without disruptions is a legitimate interest within the meaning of this provision. The required overall weighing of interests comes to the conclusion that overriding interests of the users in the exclusion of this data processing are not to be assumed. The following technically necessary cookies are used on this website:

Name of the cookie: aok-forms-functional
At the start of the session, this cookie collects URL parameters that serve the correct data technical processing concerning form processes.

Name of the cookie: cookieconsent_dismissed
This cookie is used to store whether the user has already interacted with the "cookie banner". This is the only way to ensure that the cookie setting selected by the user is automatically retained and that the user is not unnecessarily confronted with the "cookie banner" of this website again. The lifetime of this cookie is 72 hours. After this period, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: JSESSIONID
This cookie is used to ensure that the user is recognised while using this website, and to match the requested content to the correct device. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: localisation-v2
This cookie saves the AOK provider selected by the user at the start of the session, to ensure that the user sees the regional content they have selected. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: PHPSESSID
This cookie is used to ensure that the user is recognised while using this website, and to assign the content requested to the correct device. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: viela
This cookie is used to make IP addresses anonymous within the server log files. It ensures that the web servers do not save any IP addresses for the user in their log files. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Cookies with a convenience functions
As well as technically necessary cookies, we also use cookies that allow us to offer you certain features that make this site convenient to use. Unlike the technically necessary variety, cookies with convenience functions are placed on your device only with express prior consent from you as defined under Section 25 para. 1 TDDDG Your consent also extends to the data processing that takes place on the basis of the cookies used with convenience functions (Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR). You can adjust or withdraw your consent at any time, with the action taking effect for the future. To do this, please use the following link:

Name of the cookie: aok-cookie-settings
This cookie saves the AOK provider selected by the user at the start of the session, to ensure that the user sees the regional content they have selected and, if necessary, to return the user to their selected AOK provider. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 365 days. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Cookies with marketing functions
Marketing cookies are used to obtain information about usage patterns and visitor behaviour on our websites. Among other things, they help us to identify particularly popular areas of our website. In this way, we can better adapt the content of our websites to your needs and improve our services. Cookies with marketing functions are used only with your express prior consent (Sect. 25 para. 1 clause 1 Telekommunikation-Digitale-Dienste-Datenschutz-Gesetz (Telecommunications-Digital-Services-Data-Protection-Act - TDDDG), and personal data are subsequently processed on the basis of the consent you have communicated (Art. 6 para. 1 clause 1 (a) GDPR). You can adjust or withdraw your consent at any time, with the action taking effect for the future.

Name of the cookie: aok-forms-tracking
This cookie collects URL parameters so that marketing campaigns may be better evaluated.

Adobe Experience Cloud
Adobe Analytics
To conduct analyses and compile usage statistics, we use the web analytics tool Adobe Analytics from Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4–6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland ("Adobe") on this website. Adobe Analytics is part of the Adobe Experience Cloud. We use this service to process personal data and information with cookies. This allows us to analyse which sections and texts on our website are read more than others or, for example, what you think of the site's navigation features. Please read on for an explanation of precisely which cookies are used.

The data we process includes information concerning referrals to AOK websites (referrer links), browser and device information, the date and time, files downloaded, use of forms (e.g. how often they are submitted) and search engine terms. The system also collects other items including traffic sources, terminations and exits on the sub-pages, numbers of visits and visitors, individual pages visited, button clicks and time spent on the website and the sub-pages. This information is made available by Adobe only through reports and statistics in the form of summary and aggregated data.

The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics and related cookies comes in the form of consents – given by you and capable of being withdrawn at any time, with the action taking effect for the future – in accordance with Sect. 25 para. 1 clause 1 TDDDG (for the placement of cookies) and Art. 6 para. 1 clause 1 (a) GDPR (for data processing activities).
We have entered into a data processing contract with Adobe in accordance with Art. 28 para. 1 GDPR. The contract guarantees that when processing personal data on our behalf, Adobe will be subject to and comply with the provisions of the GDPR. In the context of Adobe Analytics, personal data will generally be deleted after 25 months.

Adobe will also transmit personal data to servers in the USA and save them on these. The USA is a so-called “unsafe third country”. This means that in the USA, there is no guarantee of a level of data protection comparable to that within the EU. For data transfers of this kind, Adobe relies on standard contractual clauses authorised by the EU Commission as a guarantee of a level of data protection comparable to that of the EU. Further information concerning data protection at Adobe can be retrieved here and here. For individual options for settings, please visit

Name of the cookie: AMCV
This cookie saves the Adobe Experience Cloud ID of the website visitor. This is a permanently assigned identification number that is used to collect and analyse data such as clicks from visitors to this website. If the user consents to it in advance, the life of this cookie is 24 months and it is automatically deleted after this period.

Name of the cookie: omniture_optout
This cookie saves information on whether Adobe is permitted to evaluate the user behaviour of the respective website visitor. It has a lifespan of 10 years.

Name of the cookie: s_cc
This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine whether cookies are enabled. In addition, the cookie decision of the website visitor is passed on to Adobe. The lifetime of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_fid
This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor in the event that the standard s_vi cookie is not available because of restrictions on cookies from third-party suppliers. The result is that only an anonymised visitor ID is saved. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is two years. Once this period has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_gpv
This cookie saves various parameters/values used in tracking to maintain this value. The lifetime of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_lastvisit
This cookie is used to track when the website visitor last visited the site. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is one day. Once this period has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_pers
This cookie permanently saves analytical information, which is processed by the Adobe Analytics database. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 24 months. Once this period has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_sess
This cookie stores session-related analytical information that is processed by the Adobe Analytics database. The lifetime of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_sq
This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality or the Activity Map functionality is activated. It contains information about the previous link clicked by the user. The lifetime of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: s_vi
This cookie ensures that the website visitor's ID cannot be linked to an IP address. The result is that only an anonymised visitor ID is saved. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 730 days. Once this period has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Adobe Target
If you select AOK PLUS on this website, we will use the web analytics tool Adobe Target from Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4–6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland ("Adobe Target") to conduct analyses and compile usage statistics. Adobe Target is part of the Adobe Experience Cloud. This software allows us to conduct A/B testing and multivariate testing. To this end, Adobe Target displays further variants of our website (e.g. with changes in design or content). By comparing the variants, it is possible to determine which website presentation receives the most favourable response. Adobe Target can also be used to show context-dependent notices with a view to optimising and displaying website content and providing information about current promotions and offers.

Adobe Target records user behaviour in aggregated form. IP addresses are not recorded or processed. In addition, cookies are deployed by the Adobe Experience Cloud. Please read on for an explanation of which cookies are used. The legal basis for the use of cookies is your consent within the meaning of Section 25 para. 1 TDDDG. If you have consented to the use of Adobe Analytics, usage profiles are created using a pseudonym and drawing on information collected in the process of using Adobe Target.

Data are also processed by Adobe in the USA, a country that does not offer an adequate level of data protection. Should any personal data be transmitted to the USA, Adobe becomes the exporter of such data. In such cases, Adobe guarantees compliance with the provisions of the GDPR by concluding standard contractual clauses authorised by the EU Commission.
You can find further information about the functions of Adobe Target here. To view Adobe Target's data protection notices, please click here.

Name of the cookie: mbox
This cookie is placed on a device in order to evaluate the relevance of online content and offers from the user's perspective. The persistent ID contained in the cookie ensures that every user enjoys a consistent and harmonious user experience (Adobe Target activity). If the user has consented in advance to data usage for Analytics, this cookie is also placed on their device. The lifespan of this cookie is 24 months. Once this period has elapsed, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Use of Google Ads
If you select AOK Nordost or AOK Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland on this website, we will use the Google Ads service from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"). Using this service, advertising content can be designed, collected in the form of statistics, optimised and displayed as required.

If you have reached our website via a Google advertisement, Google Ads will use cookies and pixel tags. These cookies become ineffective after 30 days. Should you visit specific pages of our website prior to the expiration of the cookie, we and Google will be able to see that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to our site. We also use Google Ads remarketing functions in order to display target-group-oriented and interest-based ads following your visit to our site.

Information generated by cookies and pixel tags through your use of this site includes the date and time of your web request, the IP address, the browser type and language, clicking behaviour in respect of texts and products or interaction with videos. This information is also saved by Google on its own servers in the USA. Each Google Ads customer is given a different cookie. As such, cookies cannot be tracked via the websites of Google Ads customers. Among the pixel tags deployed is the so-called Google Ads remarketing pixel, which collects and evaluates information about your use of this website. This enables us to address you on other websites with information relevant to you.

The information gathered with the help of the conversion cookie is used to draw up conversion statistics for Google Ads customers who have opted for conversion tracking. As a Google Ads customer, we learn the total number of users who have clicked on an ad and been redirected to a page that has been furnished with a conversion tracking tag. We do not however receive any information enabling us to identify you personally.

We have entered into a data protection agreement with Google concerning the use of Google Ads and setting out the respective rights and obligations on both sides. As part of this contract, Google provides assurances that data processing will comply with the GDPR and that protection of the rights of the individual in question will be guaranteed.
The legal basis for the use of Google Ads remarketing is your consent in accordance with Sect. 25 para. 1 clause 1 TDDDG (placement of cookies and pixel tags) and with Art. 6 para. 1 clause 1 (a) GDPR (processing of your personal data). You can withdraw or adjust your consent at any time, with the action taking effect for the future. Processing that has taken place prior to any such withdrawal will not be affected. 
For information on how Google uses personal data transmitted to it through the integration of services, and on the options available to you in respect of settings for personalised advertising and data collection, see here. You can find general information about data processing by Google in the Google data protection declarationy.

If you do not want to take part in Google Ads procedures, you can refuse to allow the requisite cookie to be placed on your device – for example, by using a browser setting that deactivates the automatic placement of cookies in general. You can also deactivate cookies for conversion tracking by setting your browser to block cookies from the domain Further information can be found here.

Google also transmits the information and personal data generated by cookies and pixel tags to the USA and processes them there. Google's transmission of data to the USA is based on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework of 10 July 2023 (DPF) and, in the event of data being transferred to other third states, on standard EU contractual clauses, thereby guaranteeing a level of protection comparable to that provided in the EU. You can obtain a copy of these standard contractual clauses here. We will not transmit data to Google without your consent.

This cookie is used to display advertising on non-Google websites. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 13 months. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

This cookie is used to provide advertising or retargeting. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 13 months. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

This cookie is used for saving and tracking conversions. It will remain in place for 90 days.

This cookie is placed on a device when a user reaches the website by clicking on a Google advertisement. It contains information about which ad was clicked, thereby making it possible to attribute successful results such as orders or contact requests to the individual ad. It remains in place for 90 days.

This cookie is placed on a device when a user reaches the website by clicking on a Google advertisement. It contains information about which ad was clicked, thereby making it possible to attribute successful results such as orders or contact requests to the individual ad. Provided the user consents to it in advance, the lifespan of this cookie is 90 days. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

This cookie is used to register a unique ID and identify a user. It remains in place for 90 days.

Authorisations in apps
AOK offers its insured members a variety of apps for use. You can find out about the authorisations or access required to operate an app and the terms of use in the relevant app store.

Newsletter tracking
To receive up-to-date information about your AOK provider, you can subscribe to newsletters. To send out its newsletters, AOK uses the XQueue Maileon dispatch system. To improve newsletters, e.g. for technically optimising the dispatch and presentation of newsletters or for statistical purposes, personal data are processed in anonymised form. When the user opens the newsletter, a so-called "tracking pixel" logs the act and each click on a link within the newsletter is counted by a server-side redirect. Processing in anonymised form means that the data are not specific to the individual and cannot be traced back to them. The data are not used in any other way or passed on to any third parties.

Use of the chat function
On this website, we offer you in part the option of getting in touch with us directly via a chat function. To deal with your concern, we process the information made available by you. The cookie described below is also deployed.

Name of the cookie: j_Session_ID
We offer anyone using this website the option of communicating with us via chat. For this service, we use the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) to assign each user a unique identification number. If the user opts for this form of communication with us, the above-named cookie is deployed for the purpose. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

The legal basis for such processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR. If your issue relates to a prospective, existing or terminated contractual relationship, the legal basis for processing also includes Art. 6 para. 1 (e) GDPR in conjunction with Sect. 67a ff. German Social Code Book X (SGB X), i.e. this contractual relationship. You can withdraw your consent at any time free of charge, with the action taking effect for the future, by sending us a brief message using the contact details given above. This will not affect the legality of any processing based on your consent and predating your withdrawal. We would however point out that from the time of any such withdrawal, it will no longer be possible for us to deal with your concern. If there has been no such withdrawal, your data will be deleted once your concern has been dealt with unless such deletion is prohibited by any legal retention periods. Should this be the case, we will retain your data in a regular manner in accordance with the legal provisions under Sect. 257 German Commercial Code (HGB) and 147 German Fiscal Code (AO) for either six or ten years following the end of the year in which the contract was concluded.

Use of location data
In some locations, it is possible for to present the user with location-based information, services and offers ("location-based services"). These include, for example, local or regional news from your surrounding area. Location-based data may also be used for statistical purposes. We will never ascertain your location without your agreement. Before you use any location-based content or service for the first time, your mobile device will ask you for permission. If you do not give your consent as defined under Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR, we will not process any location-based data. Please understand that in such cases, we will not be able to offer you our location-based service. If on the other hand you do give your permission, your mobile device will read information about your location from a variety of sources (GSM radio cell, GPS location, surrounding Wi-Fi networks or similar) and transmit this to us. Based on the data transmitted by your mobile device, we will then use a geolocation service provider to ascertain the location of the device in terms of global latitude and longitude. will not save your location data permanently; it will only retain such data for as long as is necessary in order to process a location-based request relating to content or services. You can use the settings in your mobile browser at any time to withdraw your consent to the processing of location-related information.

Other applications on this website 
Display of access routes (the Google Maps service)
This website uses Google Maps to present maps and to flag points of interest (POIs) such as AOK branch offices, medical facilities or similar. The operating company is Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. The use of Google Maps may result in information concerning the use of this website (including the IP address of the device making the request) being transmitted by Google Ireland to a Google server in the USA and saved there. In terms of data protection law, the party responsible for this data transfer is Google Ireland. In connection with this, we have entered into the agreement retrievable here with Google. Google Ireland bases this data transfer on the standard EU contractual clauses retrievable here.
In connection with the use of Google Maps, the following cookie is deployed:

Name of cookie: allow_google_maps
In order to display AOK branch offices to the user on a map, we use Google Maps. If the user actively activates this function, the above-named cookie is deployed. Further details concerning the type and extent of data processing that take place in connection with Google Maps are presented below. The lifespan of this cookie is 30 days. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

The basis for the use of Google Maps is your consent as defined under Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR. To ensure that the data transfer described above does not take place before your consent has been given, we have implemented the so-called “two-click method” on this website. This means that the data processing described above can only take place after a click on the respective map. The length of time for which the data is stored is based on the Google Maps terms of use, which you can retrieve here. The current lifespan of this cookie is 30 days. The Google Maps service can be deactivated in advance or in general, thereby preventing the transfer of data to Google, by deactivating JavaScript in your browser settings. We would however point out that should you do so, you will be unable to use the map display and possibly other functions of the site too. Further information and the Google data protection provisions currently in force can be downloaded at

Integration of videos via YouTube
Our site includes embedded YouTube videos. Rather than using plug-ins for this, the URL is integrated using iframes (small windows inside which a different website is displayed) in enhanced data protection mode. This has the effect of replacing the domain with the official domain. If you have not already consented to the deployment of cookies when you started using this website, YouTube videos on this website are integrated using the so-called "two-click solution". This means that all YouTube content is deactivated as standard and will not be not loaded and presented until you have clicked on the "Activate content" button. By clicking, you are giving your consent for your IP address to be transmitted to YouTube and for the provider to place cookies in your browser. The legal basis for this is your consent as defined under Section 25 (1) TDDDG (for the use of cookies) and Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR (for data processing). Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR. Please read on for an explanation of which cookies are used. For more detailed information concerning YouTube's collection and use of data and your right to the protection of your privacy, please see the data protection notices at

Name of the cookie: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 
This cookie is used to identify the spectrum of users on pages with integrated YouTube videos, to enable us to present videos in a pleasing manner. The lifespan of this cookie is 180 days. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: YSC
This cookie is used to register a unique ID in order to retain statistics showing which YouTube videos the website visitor has viewed. The lifespan of this cookie corresponds to the duration of the session, i.e. the time you spend on the website without closing your browser in the meantime. Once the session has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

Name of the cookie: wantYouTube
If consent is given to the automatic loading of YouTube videos, this cookie saves the value "1". The lifespan of this cookie is 30 days. Once this period has expired, the cookie is automatically deleted.

On our website, based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR, we use an Instagram plug-in operated by Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA ("Instagram"). Such plug-ins are identified with an Instagram logo – for example, in the form of an “Instagram camera”.
Only the "Shariff" method is used for integrating the Instagram plug-in. When you visit a page on our website that contains a plug-in of this kind and activate the plug-in by clicking, your browser establishes a direct connection with the Instagram servers. By clicking, you are giving Instagram permission to transmit the content of the plug-in directly to your browser and integrate it into the page. This integration process informs Instagram that your browser has visited the corresponding page on our website, even if you do not have an Instagram profile or are not currently logged into Instagram. Your browser transmits this information (including your IP address) directly to an Instagram server in the USA and the server saves the information. Instagram bases its transmission of data to the USA on so-called standard EU contractual clauses.
If you are logged into Instagram, it can directly match your visit to our website with your Instagram account. If you interact with the plug-ins – by clicking the “Instagram” button, for example – this information too will be transmitted directly to an Instagram server and saved on it. The information is also published on your Instagram account and displayed there to your contacts. If you do not want Instagram to directly match data collected via our website with your Instagram account, you should log out of Instagram before visiting our site.

Social plug-ins
You have the option of sharing selected items from this website via the Facebook and Twitter social networks. The associated transfer of data to the operator of the respective social network will only take place if you have expressly provided prior consent. To this end, we have implemented a two-click method to ensure that no data transfer to the social networks can take place until you have consented to this in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR. 
The content shared by you, and other technical information, will only be passed on to the operator of the respective social network once such consent has been given. We do not have any influence over the manner or extent of any data processing that may be conducted by the operators of these social networks following such transmission. For details, please refer to the terms of use of the respective social network.

Data transmission to the USA and other third countries
Transmission of personal data to third countries can only take place if the conditions of Art. 44 ff. GDPR have been met.
The term “third country” means a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in which the GDPR is not directly applicable. A third country is considered unsafe if the EU Commission has not issued an adequacy decision in accordance with Art. 45 para. 1 GDPR, thereby confirming that the country in question provides adequate protection for personal data.

Data processing by AOK may involve the transmission of data to third countries, i.e. to recipients outside the EU and/or the European Economic Area (EEA). If an existing European Commission decision is available to confirm that the level of protection in the third country is adequate (cf. Art. 45 para. 3 GDPR), no additional measures are required for data transmission to take place. In the event of a data transfer to recipients based in the USA, this will take place on the basis of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework of 10 July 2023 (DPF), provided the recipient has the appropriate certification. A list of companies currently certified can be retrieved here. In other cases, and when data is transferred to other “unsaf” third countries, such a transfer can only take place if this is permitted under social data protection law and the conditions of Art. 46 ff. GDPR have been met. In concrete terms, this means that a transmission to third countries can only take place if

- the recipient has offered sufficient so-called "guarantees", in accordance with Art. 46 GDPR, for the protection of personal data,
- you, having been informed by us of the risks, have expressly agreed to the transmission in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 (a) GDPR,
- the transmission is necessary for the fulfilment of contractual obligations between you and us, or
- another exemption under Art. 49 GDPR applies.

It will be explained to you in each individual case, at the time of the respective processing activities, which of the above-mentioned bases applies.

Responsibility for content and information
The information provided by AOK contains hyperlinks (links) to other websites, e.g. those of cooperation partners. At the time of setting up the link, the external (third-party) content was checked to see whether it violated any applicable standards under civil or criminal law. However, it cannot be ruled out that this content has subsequently been changed by the respective providers. If you are of the opinion that linked external pages violate applicable law or have otherwise inappropriate content, please inform us. We will check your information and, if necessary, remove the external link immediately. In this respect, AOK is not responsible for the content and availability of linked external websites.

Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the websites of AOK. Other data protection and data security provisions may apply to the linked external content. You can find out who is responsible for the respective website in the legal notice of the linked website.

Data security and encryption
Whenever you are asked to enter personal data, SSL encryption (TLS standard) is used to help protect your data during transmission over the Internet, making the data unreadable to unauthorised parties.

Further information
Withdrawal of consent to personal data being saved and used for commercial purposes and for advertising

Status of this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is valid as of 16 October 2023.